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Regarding app development for the apple platform

blog (draft)

On November 1st, I wrote my first line of Swift. This is a little shocking, for two reasons. I bought my first Mac on March 24th, 2023, after my previous device gave out in little over a year, and I bought my first iPhone on September 22nd, the same day it became available. It’s a little surprising, then, that I break ground on an iPhone app little over a month after first laying my hands on the damn thing. Well, what can I say, I’m an opportunist. The second surprise is my timeline. In those 3 months, between then till now, I’ve grown accustomed to swift, refactored my codebase a number of times, and ultimately released my first app, with a codebase consisting of 10k lines of low duplication code. For these reasons, I feel particularly qualified to write on the holistic experience of development for the apple platform, for those who are themselves beginning on this journey.


As a consumer (and, as we’ll later see, developer), a particularly frustrating part of the Apple platform is the inability to side load. Usually, I am content making rough tools for myself: They do what I need, fail in ways only I understand, and may be published souly because “why not”.

A developer’s perspective on sideloading

Aside from the new perspectives discussed here and later on, one additional advantage to sideloading is the potential of private APIs. It’s my understanding that these were once absolutely unprotected, aside from human review. In 2018, SourceDNA identified hundreds of apps utilizing these APIs to extract people’s AppleID email. Soon after, SourceDNA was acqui-hired into the App Store review process, and Apple began locking down access to these APIs, as they should have from the very beginning. For what it’s worth, android has been doing similar, but I imagine the permission model was always stronger, as from the very beginning it’s supported sideloading. So anyway, when Apple says “sideloading is a security risk”, what they mean is “our private APIs are not all properly protected yet, and we cannot vet sideloaded applications in the same way we can with vet app store applications.” But obviously, if private APIs are something that apple cares so deeply about, there must be something good in there! And indeed, there is, and there always has been (in early iOS, developers bought & sold components made to mirror Apple’s own, and ranted about App Store rejections caused by such a good intimidation that apple thought they must be using private APIs). Three modern examples I’m familiar with is displaying Memojis, the progressive blur found in the Apple Maps navigation bar, and the ability to read the now playing track. Sideloading would open the possibility of new “supercharged” apps, as is already common on macOS (ex Things, rcmd)

On iOS, when you make an app without a developer account, the app has 7 days to live on your device before it must be rebuilt. The app I’m making, out of personal necessity, ideally should not be removed every 7 days. So I need a developer account. And that costs money – 100$ a year. And so, I need to make something people want to use. A nice step outside my comfort zone. This introduces many challenges! Good fun! But so anyway, I’m actually thankful in this way, or I guess rather looking on the bright side. Now I have a business. Thanks Apple, I suppose.


When you say “I want to make an iOS app”, you immediately are blasted with a difficult choice: How? You have React Native and Flutter as cross platform options, and UIKit and SwiftUI as apple specific options. I think the pros and cons can be inferred pretty easily here, at least between native and cross platform. SwiftUI is Apple’s new framework, which is generally much more productive and familiar to developer that have some proficiency in Reactive programming. The cons are twofold.

SwiftUI is a newer framework, and Apple has a ridiculous reluctance to backport even the most trivial new features to older iOS versions, which is annoying on so many levels. Take ContentUnavailableView, a simple component to create 404 pages, empty views, and other things of the sort. Better use iOS 17 (and the polyfill community is not too good). Or noticing an API is deprecated in iOS 17, but you can’t do anything to prepare for that because you want your app on iOS 16. Or, the feeling of disappointment when you find code to do what you need, but it relies on new features (remember, SwiftUI is ultimately a UIKit wrapper, so there are absolutely things you cannot do, least without diving in deep)

By far, the easiest solution is to simply exclusively support the latest iOS version, given how much SwiftUI is still in flux, which is ridiculous. Each iOS release guarantees you’ll want to refactor something. My personal advice: Start with iOS 16. With the new navigation APIs, it really feels like SwiftUI 1.0.

And the second issue: SwiftUI plays pretty well into UIKit (and is actually built on top of it), so you get pretty good support for primitives. You also have some pretty great high level APIs. The problem is, these high level APIs offer no escape hatches. Say you want a scrollable page. You have two options, ScrollView and List. ScrollView is the primitive, and lists offer so many quality of life additions on top of it, like swipe actions and reasonable styling for a list. You can’t put Lists in ScrollViews, so If you want multiple types of content on a page, one of those being a list of things, you’re screwed. Choose your single list style for the whole page, or reimplement the thousands of custom lines of code that went into that List component.

Also, some quality of life features aren’t always desirable, and there is no opt out. For instance, If you use a list, NavigationLinks will automatically expand to make the whole thing clickable, and there’s little you can do to change that. I’ll say, after acquiring any sort of SwiftUI proficiency you’ll easily be able to tell exactly how it is built, which isn’t the case for, say, React applications.

If SwiftUI provided sane defaults (which to some degree, it does), and allowed the user to override all of these defaults (not even close right now), and those defaults were well documented and consistent, I wouldn’t have a problem.

Ooh documentation. Apple’s infamous for poor documentation. It’s basically their trademark, and SwiftUI is absolutely no exception. The docs feature next to no previews, the examples are often outdated or nonexistent, and the state of community documentation is also terrible, both given how rapidly things are changing, and the relative size of the community as opposed to, say, React. Take the new Observation framework in iOS 17, a replacement for ObservableObject with better performance and better DX. There is almost zero coverage of this.

I’ve found I’m most productive now, having identified a couple open source SwiftUI repositories of a reasonable quality to inspect, as opposed to google. Another pro tip is those WWDC videos. Those are actually closer to proper documentation than the real documentation.

One especially frustrating lack in the documentation is magic defaults. There’s a lot of them. Take .padding(). It does what it says, it does give you padding, but apple refuses to elaborate on how much padding it will give you. I like these defaults actually, but if there are defaults, it is imperative that the behavior of them is well documented.

To sum it up:

“Hey I got 90% of what I wanted really quick! Neat!” “…oh turns out that last 10% is basically impossible, eh?” – Adam Kaump

Here is a collection of rants:

So all in all, I much prefer web development, however, while making a mobile app, I would much rather make a mobile app, if that makes sense, so I don’t regret choosing Swift. I just wish Apple would stop pretending that they are just making SwiftUI for themselves, and realize there is a massive community of developers without the luxury of just diving into its proprietary source code.

The mistakes

! Assertions are very bad. Much crash! You have a lot of great tools at your disposal to avoid them (if let, Optional.map, Optional.flatMap, try?)

Whenever you see a combine style network request, I would refactor it to async. Async in swift is really good actually. async let is an amazing feature. For simple things you can actually avoid combine pipelines entirely using didSet.

When you see ObservableObject, refactor it to Observable. Observable is a replacement API that is much more efficient, poorly documented, and easy to use.

It’s unclear how to combine Observable with Combine

Make your views small. Better for performance, better for ergonomics

Welcome to the App Store

The App Store has some pretty strict policy that does not apply to large corporations, but will apply to you. Here are some rules that jumped out to me:

  • If users can create accounts in your app, they must be able to delete them
  • You are not allowed to use Private APIs. If you are, you’d know.
  • User generated content must be able to be reported

A couple questions you’ll need to ask if you’re joining:

  • do I want my developer account to be the same as my personal account?
  • do I want to join as a corporation or an individual?

I’m not particularly qualified to speak under either one of these points, though I ultimately chose a company. Some things:

  • I did this without legal counsel
  • If you go this route, in no particular order, you will need some address you trust to receive mail, a DUNS number, an EID, the actual LLC, and a website
  • If you are the only employee, it will be taxed as a sole proprietorship, which means all that is a whole lot easier for you.

Interlude: cross platform/FFI
It just so happens that my app does more client side work than simply parsing a JSON response from my server. This causes two problems:

Cross platform requires maintaining two codebases — Swift and Kotlin. As a solo developer, that’s a no go. Additionally, I was experiencing performance issues in my swift codebase, arising from the quality of the packages I had to use. I took a risk, and decided to kill two birds with one stone. Rust has a strongish FFI community, and plenty of packages with strong corporate backing. I heard cautionary tales of Dropbox abandoning their shared C++ codebase, but I don’t have an arsenal of employees at my disposal, rust’s ecosystem makes it uniquely suited to the task, and I’m confident that I’m more productive in Rust than I would have been in C++. I decided to take the risk, and I’m happy to report it paid off. Setup was discouraging, but once completed, the work to share both codebases is negligible. I’ve already written a blog post on the topic of FFI setup for swift.
